zemas nursery

Fruit Trees
Vegetable Plants
Berry Bushes & More
Smart Options

Vegetable plants in flats and pansies

Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs are delicious home-grown and fresh-picked. If you already grow your own you’ll surely agree! These pictures do not do justice to our broad selections, but we hope they may still inspire.

We have over 40 years experience growing for the public, planting our own gardens, and doing our best to help you succeed with yours. From seeds and potatoes, to top-producing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, squash, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, melons, herbs and more – we offer a helpful selection of the most wanted items. Plus, for apple trees, plums, pears and more, including blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries, we have the products, supplies and horticultural advice you need.

Blueberry bushes
Grow tomatoes
Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Black and White Clipart of Moon over a Farm